day one – a picture of yourself with fifteen facts

Daphne as of yesterday night. It's so zoomed in it could only be a picture of myself
and not anyone else (except someone's finger).
1) My mom changed my name when I was 1 because I was too mischievous. She changed it from 美玉 'Beautiful Jade' to 俐文 'Agile, and Refined'.
2) I can speak English, Chinese, Singlish, and a little Tagalog.
3) My intuition measures over 80% in the Myers-Briggs Personality Profile.
4) I hiked the Grand Canyon in 8 hours in March 2009. The trail was slightly over 24km of gravity pounding on my knees and feet.
5) I once wore flip flops and pyjamas out (to the grocer!) when it was -6C with winds so strong I couldn't walk on haha.
6) The lowest temperature I've experienced so far is -7C (in Princeton), the highest, 42C (Tucson).
7) I sponsor a Dalit girl from Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu.
7) Many Singaporeans are not sure if I am Chinese or Malay, sometimes they're not sure if I'm local at all ???
8) I love making new friends.
9) On a chillax day (best if rainy), I would curl up in my bed and read a book, or sleep.
10) I play the guitar a lot and write poetry especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed, moody, or just pensive.
11) Looking at frozen yogurt sends me spasming.
12) The best yogurt is unsweetened yogurt that might still have curds in it.
13) The shortest fringe I ever had was about half the length of a key, I cried especially a lot after that haircut.
14) I have a lot of trouble with being punctual.
15) I would love to sleep on a bed in an open field on a breezy afternoon.
come to turkey. they have your yogurt.