The Arizona State Legislature will be making difficult final decisions on mid-year budget cuts for fiscal year 2009 in the very near future. In an effort to ensure that our students all make their voice's heard, The Associated Students of the University of Arizona, Graduate & Professional Student Council alongside the Arizona Students' Association will be providing students an opportunity to travel up to the Arizona State Capitol on Wednesday January 28th. The details are as follows:

Arizona State Capitol Trip
Wednesday January 28, 2009
Depart Campus: 9am
Return to Campus: 5pm (at the latest)
Breakfast & Lunch will be provided
25 buses will be leaving The University of Arizona on Wednesday morning, which means we only have room for 1,500 students of our 38,000 - sign up quickly to make your voice heard. If you would like to go, we need you to sign-up by Tuesday 5pm on January 27th. You can sign up by doing one of the following:
Call: (520) 621 - ASUA
Go To: ASUA Office (3rd floor of the Student Union Memorial Center, directly above The University of Arizona Bookstore - open from 8am - 5pm)
Please Include The Following Information:
Full Name:
Cell Phone:
Student ID:
Students who attend this trip to the capitol will receive a dean's excuse, but will be responsible for communicating with their professors about their absence and for all work that they miss prior to departing.
For more information about this opportunity please visit the ASUA website at
Bear Down!
Tommy Bruce
ASUA Student Body President"
My professor, Dr Kari Boyd McBride, from the highly socially active Women Studies department urges us to attend this protest tomorrow (how coolz). Local papers say about 2000 are estimated, Facebook has 1575 confirmed guests, 1908 may be attending, 4706 not attending and 5272 have yet to reply.
Most of the college students here work and study at the same time, so I think it's going to hit them harder than I can probably understand. Also, the U of A has been underproducing degrees in some subjects like Judaic Studies and Agricultural Economics and Management.
I thought about going, but then again...I think I'm better off reading books and hanging out with my friends.
Not that I'm apathetic!
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