Tuesday, May 13, 2014

only confidence

Decades may pass, but God never gives up even on individuals, even if they are Manassehs, the 'cruelest' people to Him in history. When it comes to love, Bieber is right. God "never says never".

There is no hope to speak of here, only confidence.

Lord Almighty, God of our ancestors, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their righteous children, you made heaven and earth with all their beauty. You set limits for the sea by speaking your command. You closed the bottomless pit, and sealed it by your powerful and glorious name. All things fear you and tremble in your presence, because no one can endure the brightness of your glory. No one can resist the fury of your threat against sinners. 
But your promised mercies are beyond measure and imagination, because you are the highest, Lord, kind, patient, and merciful, and you feel sorry over human troubles. 
You, Lord, according to your gentle grace promised forgiveness to those who are sorry for their sins. In your great mercy, you allow sinners to turn from their sins and find salvation. Therefore, Lord, God of those who do what is right, you didn't offer Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, those who didn't sin against you, a chance to change their hearts and lives. But you offer me, the sinner, the chance to change my heart and life, because my sins outnumbered the grains of sand by the sea. My sins are many, Lord; they are many. I am not worthy to look up, to gaze into heaven because of my many sins. 
Now, Lord, I suffer justly. I deserve the troubles I encounter. Already I'm caught in a trap. I'm held down by iron chains so that I can't lift up my head because of my sins. There’s no relief for me, because I made you angry, doing wrong in front of your face, setting up false gods and committing offenses.

Now I bow down before you from deep within my heart, begging for your kindness. I have sinned, Lord, I have sinned, and I know the laws I've broken. I'm praying you, begging you: Forgive me, Lord, forgive me. 
Don't destroy me along with my sins. Don't keep my bad deeds in your memory forever. Don't sentence me to the earth's depths, for you, Lord, are the God of those who turn from their sins. In me you'll show how kind you are. 
Although I'm not worthy, you'll save me according to your great mercy. 
I will praise you continuously all the days of my life, because all of heaven's forces praise you, and the glory is yours, forever and always. Amen.
Prayer of Manasseh in prose 
12  I

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