Saturday, July 7, 2012

Guitar hunting

For the past two months, I've been trying lots of guitars so that I could get my first acoustic guitar. I even got the chance to try it while on vacation, at Oasis Music, the most comprehensive acoustic guitar store in the southwest of England.

By lots I mean a total of 42 guitars, at least those that I can remember. 

2 Maestro Indian rosewood guitars, one of which complemented my voice well
Maestro koa
Maestro flamed maple
Maestro ovangkol
Maestro mahogany 
A certain Maton guitar, which sounded distinctly woody and punchy 
Martin D16-RGT
Martin D28
Martin HD28
Martin D45
Martin 000-16RGT
Martin 000-28
Martin OMPAC3
Martin SWOMGT 

Another Martin guitar
A certain Breedlove guitar that sounded so unique and lovely 
Taylor 314CE
Taylor 614CE
Taylor 814CE
Taylor Big Baby
4 other Taylors 
A Rainsong carbon-graphite guitar  
Furch G24-SR
Furch G25-SR
Furch G25 Madagascar which I would have bought if I didn't keep to my budget 
Lakewood D14CP
Lakewood M32
Lakewood M32CP
A certain Lakewood guitar 
A certain Yamaha guitar 
A certain Cort guitar 
Nathaniel custom koa guitar
Nathaniel custom flamed maple guitar that sounded and looked too good for its price 
Gibson Hummingbird
Gibson J-45 Standard 
A certain Goodall jumbo, the only boutique guitar I've heard live and played so far  
Brook Taw, a very sweet and lush-sounding guitar made in Devon, UK. 
Guild F30R  

Now I understand why people can praise many guitars, and how people can remember certain specifications of guitars, like the model name, wood, or body shape.

And to my surprise, I have chosen... (!!!)

Which stands for Sustainable Woods Orchestra Model Glossed Top (SWOMGT) and looks like:

 I'm glad that I could make an ethical purchase for a pretty big-ticket item like this!