I was cycling past the field in front of the Old Main and this hostile college girl was yelling at the people at the Justice for All exhibit as she cycled past it. She was definitely hateful, profane and obscene, but so were the three-foot tall graphics of aborted babies, cut-up abdomens, limbs smaller than a quarter that shrivel up to an unidentifiable mass of bloodied tissue and muscle.

Some Christians disapprove of using the shock technique to evangelize, but in a graphic, impatient culture that seeks efficiency and instant gratification, are pictures of the covered-up, hushed truth so incongruent with it? Did Christ not use vividly vile imagery to publicly scorn the Pharisees and the Saduccees, calling them "vipers", "a child of hell", "hypocrites" and "whitewashed tombs" full of "dead people's bones and all uncleanness"?
What about the most defamatorily vulgar and offensive thing in the world - the cross of brutal torture where my God, our God, became Man to bleed to death? Worse, he was abandoned by God because of our absolutely sinful state, which was more abominable than a woman's waste blood is to a Jew.

There is great reason for me to rejoice, for the cross I have been crucified on is the cross that Christ bore. It is one of shame, rude obscenity and nauseating gore, which, to people who reject Christ like they hate the graphics of abortion put up on campus, is a "stumbling block", a "folly", but to us who have seen the wonder of His grace, "the power of God and the wisdom of God" (I Corinthians 1:23-24).
And I know that I was once a liar, a murderer, a thief, just like mothers who murder their babies, Hitler, the men who beat 10-year-old Emmett Till to death and all who reject God. God is able to save, He is mighty to save us from the burning, tormenting hold of the devil, and I pray that God renew my heart to testify for the Light of this world, who has placed in me a treasure so eternal and joyful nothing can ever compare.
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