And I also fell sick, which complicated matters because I couldn't concentrate well and I ended up working well into night.
But God was faithful in showing His kindness, mercy and grace over this same period of time. Some people may choose to adopt the godless view that things naturally get done in the end, but I know that it is God whom I delivered all things to. He parts the Red Seas I encounter, so that I may be able to stand under trials - and we just need to pray for God's enabling to be disciplined by different troubles.
During the lapse between the need for supplication and God's providence, the Psalms tell us to wait eagerly upon Him through praise and faith in His plan and providence. In this way, we yield peace and righteousness because we were willing to be trained by these difficult times that easily makes us worry. And so it's true! that it's a sweet thing to be able to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word, 'Thus says the Lord!". There is no fear of judgement or wrath before God the Father, for we have been made favourable to Him through the blood Christ shed on the cross. Nor is there guilt because God has forgiven our sins and imputed Christ's righteousness to us.
While talking with Si about some of her friends who were antagonistic against their broken families, I was reminded that God requires our total submission before true, complete sanctification can start. Do we seek to justify our anger, jealousy, pride, resentment or ungodly speech based on 'natural' physiological and social factors? God wants us to turn these fruit of the flesh over to Him so that we may be truly sanctified. Surely sanctification isn't about talking terms with God on which parts of the old self we want to keep, and which are the ones that we can more easily abandon. The commandment of old is that we love God with all our heart, mind and soul.
My ideal way to spend this recess week is to do nothing school-related, like summer, and read and think about things that I'm really interested in right now, like Christian consumerist culture and theology on music and performance. But I think some schoolwork is inevitable. I don't hate school, but it's usually just less palatable.

Last thing, I'm looking forward to getting this gift. It's a collection of essays on biblical manhood and womanhood from various people such as Don Carson, John Piper, Elisabeth Elliot and Wayne Grudem. I'm excited...more books to read!
what i've learnt in the past few months... 5 'C's in relation to our heart, mind, soul, strength and community. we give in to control(heart), common sense(mind), comfort(soul), cravings(body), convenience(env)... this life led by the flesh causes us to spiral into a shame-blame game of condemnation(Adam and Eve), comparison(Cain and Abel), categorization(Noah) and finally cynicism(Babel)...
ReplyDeletei totally identify with the 5 'C's. i often surrender one to God. the easiest, but not the one that i 'treasure' most. its a lifelong struggle... :)
that's a nice, different perspective! and whoaa 'shame-blame game' haha, cool term
ReplyDeleteyea. the pastor has a radical way of thinking...