So I shall unload some of my grey matter here:
In His Time, and the Beauty of Free Will
Sometimes our hearts get so ached from mourning for the sin of the world, backslid or lukewarm Christians, proud hearts that refuse the Gospel, and we ask, 'God, why wouldn't You show them that You are the Sovereign God whom all are to fear and to repent to?'. From here, we may have an inclination to go and help solve these problems, forgetting that we are but tools for God's use, who furthers His Will in His own time. As the Teacher says, 'God will bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed' (Ecclesiastes 3:17). In God's time, He will save those whom He has chosen to be His sons. In His time too, will He revive the tepid love of His children, leading them back with the ties of love (Hosea 11:4), which He has been holding onto all along. In rushing God's Will, we pride in our own judgment and we become too arrogant to have faith that God will does His Will best in His own time. And so, amidst the urgency for resolution for the things and people we mourn over, we need to pray for wisdom - to know how to respond and how to interact with these people - and humility, that we might not put our own judgment higher than God's. Our God is Sovereign, surely He can bring this people back to Him instantaneously. But He loves us so much He wants us to return to Him willingly, convinced of our Father's love and the sin of our going astray from the narrow gate to Heaven. How beautiful is that!
Abstract Art can be used for God's sake too.

Every One is Equally Ugly, and thus Equally Justified before God
This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 3:22-24
What do we do with the ugly histories we discovered about others? And even, the present ugly things that they are doing? There are two ways to go from here, one of which is to pray for them in love and mourning, the other is to gossip and share more information in groups of people, making this distinction of the Other. Looking at what Christ did in His earthy ministry, we know what the 'model answer' is. Internalising this 'model answer', not just knowing, would be a proof of the Holy Spirit giving life to our mortal bodies which are dead in sin (Romans 8:11). When responding to things that suddenly disfigure my impression of people around me, I need to be careful to not slant myself towards judging, only concentrating on criticising the speck of sawdust in the eye of that person, paying no attention to the plank in my own eye. We are all sinners. The wonderful thing is that it doesn't stop there: we have been justified by grace through faith in our Redeemer, and we are all Christians who are exposed to the temptation of sin, who can stumble.
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