My previous lessons were preparing for the examination.
So this was how I was prepared.
Be courteous and smile.
Otherwise you will not pass.
Be aware of the type of examiner you have.
Old ones wear slippers with socks.
They are more generous.
Young ones wear more fashionably.
They are more stingy and want to prove themselves.
If you get the old ones, you can be relieved.
If you get the young ones,
"Good luck to you", my teacher said.
Sound tentative with Hmms and ahhhs and I thinks
so you can avoid being suspected as
a student who know deeper stuff.
Because once they know it, they'll test you
beyond the grade syllabus and fail you.
But I always thought examinations were
about testing and challenging one's calibre.
I think music is about doing my best.
It is about honouring God.
Exams are not about technicalities and seeking the loopholes to 'play cheat'.
And not about demeaning God's gift to Man.
I'm a little bitter.
But I'll take it in my stride.