(via religionfacts.com)
On Saturday, I helped two monks from Sri Lanka who had trouble with the ATM. They were in saffron robes too, and like the people who were upset they unknowingly didn't wait in line for the ATM, my instinct was that these were 'holy people'. And 'holy people' have an aura that makes you distant yourself from them.
The ATM didn't work out, so I asked for their number to text them the details of the nearest bank when I get access to the Internet. Monk A with better English (who was conversing with me) started grabbing at Monk B's phone. Monk B didn't let him for a while. Then Monk A didn't punch in my number correctly, and Monk B was speaking in their language and eventually snatched the phone over and typed the right numbers. He also asked for my name in a demanding tone.
After that small ruffle, Monk A asked about me, so I told him I was a local, but I don't stay nearby - I was here to "learn about God and have fun with my friends" (we were at a camp). Monk B waved his hands away at me after hearing that so we left.
So I left amused.
Then just today, I texted Monk B directions to the bank. With many understandable mis-spellings, I figured his reply to mean "YES, THANK YOU". A while later, he texted me his Sri Lanka number and his full name, and I replied "Hope u find the bank :)". The second most surprising thing was he later texted me "I,..LOVE YOU", to which I replied "Jesu love you", learning from Christy to grab every opportunity to share Jesus, including guys who hit on me. To which he replied "I LIKE JESU AND BUDDHA", and later on "WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME". Both to which I didn't reply..haha.
That wasn't the bomb. The bomb was this: I just googled his name and he is a notable figure in Sri Lankan Buddhism.
And what I learn is NOT:
1. Theravada Buddhism, or Buddhism as a whole, is deficient, that's why he's not practicing what he preaches about transcending desires.
2. We can make satires and parodies out of 'holy people' because they are hypocrites.
3. Be shocked when you see the moral flaws of notable figures (religious ones, especially).
4. Religious figures are perfect people.
I learnt that 'holy people' are imperfect just as everyone else. Jing was right to say that Monks A and B's religion had very high standards for them, just like God has very high standards for everyone - and no one can meet them on their own strength. Jesus appears to be very harsh on religious people because they depend on visible acts (aka. rituals and traditions) to appear spiritual and to cover up rather than surrender their sinful nature to God. Not only that - they encourage others to do follow suit (Romans 1:32, cf. James 1:5). Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Mormon, Jehovah Witness...you name it, God's got it. In fact, he spoke out against them in actions and speech because of their religiosity (Matthew 19:7-8, 23; Mark 7:6-13; Luke 12:1-3; The Parable of the Good Samaritan; The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector etc).
I am glad God has given me Jesus' righteousness, which "surrounds me like a shield" from Satan, who accuses me before God "day and night" because he knows his end is near (Psalm 3:3, 5:12; Revelations 12:10-12). Because of that, I don't have to be religious. God says religion is not the way to go anyway.
I had an unbiblical fear that getting close to these 'holy people' who were not followers of Christ would compromise my walk with God. No matter what we were going to chat about. Instead, God was telling me to get into the muck like Jesus did when he hung out all the time with prostitutes, traitors who chose money over political loyalty, and the physically deformed and demon-oppressed. That was how Jesus' light shone - he came to those who were seeking and were aware and pain-stricken by their utter failure and filth, not those who thought they were too impeccable for God's standards for 100% perfection in holiness, love, righteousness, faithfulness, patience, and every other good attribute (Mark 2:17).
I learnt that everyone desires relationship in the form of friendship and romance, even 'holy people'. That's great because God has created us for relationship with him, which will satisfy in so many ways, and the satisfaction will flow over to many friendships with people around us. My Lover is Jesus, and I wonder if I'll have a lover for life in marriage with whom to love Jesus...you?
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