Separation divides people, things and events
Separation is usually a sad occasion
such as graduating from wonderful junior college life
where friends were real friends and loved each other
Other sad occasions can be sending a beloved classmate
off to overseas to study
and sending more classmates off to overseas as they go to
the other side, where the grass is greener, i think
think about loved ones - that's what i do.
separation can be physical
like how a wife pines for her husband's safety as he works overseas
it can be emotional too
like how parents' empathy and advice is being shut out of
an angsty outraged teenager's heart
Heart, is not just a muscle in the circulatory system
It is the centre of all thought, intellect, emotions and soul
When your new handphone gets stolen,
your heart aches terribly; your brain doesn't.
Dozen times have I thought about separation in life.
Separation through death, and eventual reunion with our Lord above
Above are just some examples, and i've thought of one more
which i believe is a heartbreaking separation
when people are blinded by extremist unfounded doctrine
the spiritual separation on understanding God's Word is painful
Painful sia, the Singaporean says when he feels separation.
But I know God's Will is good even in separation.
Men and their wives long for each other and treasure each other
because absence makes the heart grow fonder
angsty teenagers can return like the prodigal son
maybe they wont return soon, but God keeps His sheep together
and He shall not give up on His herds
Hurt's usually the precursor of recovery and revival
like how blood donation increases metabolism
and how dengue patients recover and grow strong
Strong and stronger will people grow then
(i'm reminded of Olympics' 'Citius Altius Fortius')
that through the refining and a call for discernment with the logic
the intellect, the common sense, the faith God has given us
Separation in spiritual understanding, emotion, physical closeness
are all in God's plan.
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